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What is it? Potholes are bowl-shaped features that have been scoured out of river beds by swirling pebbles in a fast-flowing river.
Potholes are best seen when the river is low. This image shows how potholes are cut through by pebbles .
This image shows a relatively deep pothole. In most deep potholes there is a tendency for the downslope side of the pothole to be cut through by small pebbles carried by the escaping water. As a result, potholes tend to have a slot cut in their downslope rim. In this way some potholes may develop into gorges.
You can only expect to find potholes in rivers that have rocky beds, and most commonly only rivers where the rock is uniform, for example, limestone, granite or lava. Potholes do not form in rivers whose beds are covered with pebbles, silt or mud.