Chapter 12 Rivers .
Who are we .
River Cliffs & Slip-off Slopes
River Cliff:
A river cliff or undercut slope is a steep slope produced by lateral erosion by a riveron its concave bank or outer bend. The base of the slope on the outer bend is undercut as the river meanders in the middle course and lateral erosion becomes more effective. The top part of the slope loses support as a result of basal undercutting, and collapses by the process of mass wasting. A river cliff is producedon the undercut bank or concave bank. The slope gradually retreats or recedes, together with the river cliff. a series of river cliffs is known as a river bluff. The river meander becomes more and more pronounced an gradually shifts or migrates downstream towards the lower course.
Slipoff Slope:
A slipoff slope is a gentle slope consisting of sediments built up by river deposition on the convex bank or inner bank opposite to a river cliff. As a river meanders in the middle course, the rate of flow is greater at the concave bank and slower at the convex bank. Rock fragments produced by weathering, lateral erosion and mass wasting at the convex bank are deposited at the opposite bank where the rate of river flow is slow. Gradually a sloping heap of sediments has accumulated at the convex bank and known as a slipoff slope. The formation of a river cliff and a slipoff slope on opposite banks of a river gives the valley an asymmetrical cross profile.